Friday, June 1, 2012

TWIS #15 Milestone

   This week, we had done our last Marshmallow Challenge to see if we had better ideas than the last ones we had did. We also had to a video interview for our tenth grade science teacher. We had to better make our marshmallow challenge. To see what others ideas we had after the first one we did.
   We had learned how to better our Marshmallow Challenge by making as many spaghetti sticks stack up in a cool way. But my group and I had did it a basic line formation. But we had tapped three or four sticks to each other. So when we place the marshmallow on the top. It will hold the marshmallow without braking or leaning back. For the video interview. We had to make a video describing about ourselves. To give our tenth grade teacher a little heads up of what kind student she will be dealing with next year.