Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cricket Investigation

Do Crickets prefer Dark or Light environments?

  Hypothesis: In my perspective, I believe the crickets would prefer a light environment because when we had to test whether the crickets prefer wet or dry environments. The room was dark and the crickets didn't move at all. Then, when Jamie turned the lights on. The crickets started to hop and non-stop, walking around the tank.

Background Research: Things we observed about the crickets behavior was that certain crickets prefer Dark environments than Light. Certain crickets prefer Dark than Light because we had a paper towel and the cricket tried to go under it instead of eating it.

 For this Cricket Investigation, they chose Light than Dark.

Friday, December 9, 2011

This week in Science #6

This week in science:
   We had to examine crickets. To see what we can learn from them and to discover the change of behavior that we never seen last year. Sketching out the crickets and labeling the body parts to show what it is. We had a two sheet packet so we can observe whether crickets prefer wet of or dry environments. For the wet environment, we used a soaked napkin and put it on the opposite side of the dry napkins. Making a tank that's half wet-half dry. We did a new and different chart called "Dichotomous Key."

We Learned:
   About a new chart called "Dichotomous Key". For this chart, we had to ask questions to brake down objects in their own way. We had six shoes in the middle of the classroom, showing of the objects we'll be asking about. Then, we had to ask questions about the objects to separate them one by one. If the answer is YES, then we write the name of the lucky object and continue asking questions. If the answer is NO. We continue asking questions till we get all of them separated.

Friday, December 2, 2011

This week in Science #5

This week in Science:
We had to observe Animal behavior, using The Annoying Crickets-___-. We had to organize our paper into Things we Observed, Things I am wondering and a sketch part in the book. We had three parts of the sketch part. One side was the front view, the side view and back view of the insect. Then we had to label the body parts of the insect to tell what is what.

I Learned:
That the crickets use their Wings to make the annoying sound that they do. They use their Antena's to see and hear. I tapped the cage once and it's Antena went up in the air. As it did this, I knew that it was suing it to hear and see what was going on or what made it. Also, I learned that they use small bugs to feed and sometimes eat each other when the victim is dead.