This week in science:
We had to examine crickets. To see what we can learn from them and to discover the change of behavior that we never seen last year. Sketching out the crickets and labeling the body parts to show what it is. We had a two sheet packet so we can observe whether crickets prefer wet of or dry environments. For the wet environment, we used a soaked napkin and put it on the opposite side of the dry napkins. Making a tank that's half wet-half dry. We did a new and different chart called "Dichotomous Key."
We Learned:
About a new chart called "Dichotomous Key". For this chart, we had to ask questions to brake down objects in their own way. We had six shoes in the middle of the classroom, showing of the objects we'll be asking about. Then, we had to ask questions about the objects to separate them one by one. If the answer is YES, then we write the name of the lucky object and continue asking questions. If the answer is NO. We continue asking questions till we get all of them separated.
I specifically like the way you highlighted Dichotomous key, as in Put in another color because then Next time if someone visits this blog then Me or other people would know what you are talking about.