Friday, June 1, 2012

TWIS #15 Milestone

   This week, we had done our last Marshmallow Challenge to see if we had better ideas than the last ones we had did. We also had to a video interview for our tenth grade science teacher. We had to better make our marshmallow challenge. To see what others ideas we had after the first one we did.
   We had learned how to better our Marshmallow Challenge by making as many spaghetti sticks stack up in a cool way. But my group and I had did it a basic line formation. But we had tapped three or four sticks to each other. So when we place the marshmallow on the top. It will hold the marshmallow without braking or leaning back. For the video interview. We had to make a video describing about ourselves. To give our tenth grade teacher a little heads up of what kind student she will be dealing with next year.

Friday, May 25, 2012

TWIS #14

   This week, we had a chance to have work day. Meaning, make up any work that we're missing or  had a bad grade for. I had to label TWIS #11-14, as science. We had to do a summary about HIPPO. This subject, is about the ways of animals habitat. I had to write in my Spider Observation log, giving a summary of what HIPPO is about.

   This week I learned that HIPPO stands for Habitat Loss. Introduced species, Pollution, Population growth, and Over-consumption. HIPPO describes the animals ecosystem in many ways that will feed your brain valuable information. It helps you by giving a specific animal and talking about its habitat, etc.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

TWIS #13

    If we were to leave these spider habitat tanks sealed but removed all of the plants, what would happen? And why? Use these terms in your explanation: glucose, photosynthesis, energy, carbon  dioxide, oxygen.

   If we were to leave the spider's habitat tanks sealed but removed all of the plants. The spider might die because the plant produces oxygen for living organisms to breath. The plant has Glucose (sugar that's in plants) which makes the plant have a bright green color. If the tank is sealed in a plant free environment. It will die because it has no oxygen from the plants and it will suffocate because the tank is sealed shut. The photo above shows the Photosynthesis inside of our spider habitat. The energy from the sun feeds the plant, providing it to stay alive. As well as the water(H2O).   

Monday, May 7, 2012


   My group and I had four new different specimens. We had choices either to dissect a frog or mouse- or a skate(related to a stingray) or perch(a fish). Theres four people in my group, and we had to pair up in two. My partner and I had dissect a skate and the opposite part of our group had chose to work on the perch. When we stabbed the skate's stomach. All we saw was oil and water OOZING out of it's belly. We had found the liver, stomach which we thought was a heart, and the lungs.

   From this experience with aquatic animals. I learned that the skate smells extremely bad when you get all the way inside of the animal. It has a smooth belly but a hard surface on the Dorsal view. It has lots of liver and it's stomach looks similar to a huge heart. We also learned that if you squeeze the skate's stomach, Green slimy particles comes out (Ewwww).


 We leaned how to dissect specimens in a harmful way. We learned how to label the specimens inside and outside body parts. To show what is what on the animal. We then, learned how to dissect the specimen in a proper way to make it less difficult. So we won't cut the wrong thing.

 We were split into groups and in each group were two specimens that we had to work on. We had a cricket and crayfish. In this photo, my team and I had labeled the specimens body part in Ventral and Dorsal view. The crayfish's "Cheliped", is located at Proximal as it's claw. It's Anterior is connected to its arm. Its Posterior is the size and unusual shape of the crayfish's claw. The crayfish's Environment is somewhere at the body of the sea. it crawls on the ocean floor where there's lots of fish and ocean plants for housing in. Its Feature is a lobster like animal but smaller.

TWIS #12

What I Did:
This week, we had created a Spider Observation Log, to record the changes my group and I have noticed over the past days. We had to create our log cover and answer questions about why we are doing this type of experiment.

What I Learned:
 That the spider Cellar Spider sits and waits for it's prey to get up close. Then, it repeatedly forms a web at the prey. Make sure that the prey doesn't get away from it's attacker. It rarely moves around in  the tank at all. It either hangs out on it's web or hides under as leaf. Waiting for a meal to leave it's self open.

Friday, April 20, 2012

TWIS #11

   We had a very interesting subject of working with spiders. We had to go outside to a park and find resources in order to make a Spiders Ecosystem. We had a few sticks and the most interesting thing we did was that we collected bugs. We had collected a couple of sticks and leafs.

The sticks are for the spider to make it's web on. The leafs we collected were for shade and for the spider to have a easy spot to hide and wait for its prey. The bugs represent the main resource that the spider needs in order for it to survive.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

TMIS #10

   This Month in Science, my group and I had made a survey in the neighborhood. Asking different people questions of the ways of Transportation, Energy, Waste, and also Water. After that, we had did a list of the information we received and writs three things about the similar and differences we collected from our data. The next day. We had two people that started the campaine for our different topics we are working on. We had to make a design-logo about our topic, that will be going on t-shirts, along with a slogan. It had to be something that will catch peoples attention. My group and I made a logo about how the Human Impact destroys the world. Theres  human hand. Which is holding earth in it's hand. A car is floating in the air with our slogan. "Would Your Future Self Approve"? So far, thats what we did this month and I'm curious of whats going to happen. The next time we see those campain girls again. :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Human Impact Ad Campaign

The picture your looking at was suppose to represent the gas's effect on the environment. On the left side of the picture. Is the burning and dieing trees because of so many chemicals in the air from Human Impact. On the right side, there's a tree that the car hasn't past by yet. It shows the beauty of the tree before the impact of gas.

Friday, February 10, 2012


   My group and I had four new different specimens. We had choices either to dissect a frog or mouse- or a skate(related to a stingray) or perch(a fish). Theres four people in my group, and we had to pair up in two. My partner and I had dissect a skate and the opposite part of our group had chose to work on the perch. When we stabbed the skate's stomach. All we saw was oil and water OOZING out of it's belly. We had found the liver, stomach which we thought was a heart, and the lungs.

   From this experience with aquatic animals. I learned that the skate smells extremely bad when you get all the way inside of the animal. It has a smooth belly but a hard surface on the Dorsal view. It has lots of liver and it's stomach looks similar to a huge heart. We also learned that if you squeeze the skate's stomach, Green slimy particles comes out (Ewwww).
The differences that my I noticed from the skate and the perch, is that it can be a little difficult to cut through the perch. But for the skate, its nice and smooth. They both obviously have different ways to tell of what gender they are. The skate has lots of liver and it looks discusting. But the perch doesn't look revalting at all when you cut in. The thing we also noticed, is that when you cut into the skate. Oil and water comes out. When you cut into the perch, nothing oily or watery pores out.

Monday, January 23, 2012


For this project, My group and I did a clip about The Arctic Tundra. We had to give brief information about The Arctic Tundra's vegetation, climate, location, and landforms. Then, we had to pick up an animal from our subject. From this clip we did, I learned that Permafrost is the reason y the vegetation in The Arctic Tundra is growing at a slow pace.